ALERTS: None at this time!

New Drop Box at the Town Hall

There is a new drop off box with Town of Seabrook decals located at the town hall on the left hand side when you pull into the town hall. Below is the following items that can be dropped off in the drop box;

Assessing:  Everything can be done through the drop-box, mail, email or phone with a couple exceptions.

Code:  Everything can be done through the drop-box, mail, email or phone with meetings being done through Zoom or Microsoft Teams with department heads and contractors.

Tax Collector:  All water and tax payments can be put in the drop-box, mail, email or phone.  It should be noted that if they want a return receipt they should include a stamped self-addressed envelope.

Town Clerk:  Car renewals, dog licensing and/or renewals can all be done through the drop-box.

Welfare:  Application and required documentation can be done through the drop-box, mail or email.  If a resident is seeking further resources or additional information they can contact the office at 474-8931 or email at [email protected].