ALERTS: None at this time!


Curtis Slayton

Water & Sewer Superintendent

Daumanic Fucile

Chief Operator

Judith Reinhold


Jamie McDonald

Industrial Pre-Treatment

P: 603-474-8030

F: 603-474-8014

274 Route 286 (Wright’s Island)
PO Box 456
Seabrook NH 03874


After-hour Emergencies:
Call the Seabrook Police Department at
(603) 474-5200, who will contact our on-call employee.

Mission Statement

The Wastewater Department is dedicated to collecting and treating wastewater that flows into our facility from the approximately 50 miles of sewer mains and 120 lift stations in the Town of Seabrook, and delivering a clean, clear effluent into the Atlantic Ocean. Our Wastewater Treatment Facility is located at 274 Rte 286 on the beautiful Wright’s Island.

Services and Responsibilities:

The Wastewater Treatment Plant is permitted through the EPA’s National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES)

The permit expires every five years at which time the town has to apply for a renewal. The current permit was issued in May of 2021. The permit establishes the discharge limitations for the plant under the Clean Water Act. The Wastewater Department is responsible for maintaining discharge compliance and for the administration of this permit.

Other responsibilities include:    
  • Maintenance and operation of the town wide sewer system including the wastewater treatment plant
  • Maintenance and operation of sewer pump stations
  • Implementation and maintenance of the Town of Seabrook Sewer Ordinance and Facility Plan
  • Review of real estate development proposals for sewer impact, issue permits, and inspect sewer construction
  • Management of the industrial pre-treatment program
School & Group Tours

The Wastewater Plant will host school and group tours. Tours are typically given mid-morning or early afternoon. If you are interested in setting up a tour, please contact us at 603-474-8012 to set up your tour date and time.

Seabrook Resiliency Grant Information Page