The Town of Seabrook was notified tonight by our state certified lab that one of our water samples tested positive for E. coli bacteria. We have been, since that time, in close consultation with the New Hampshire DES, and we are strictly adhering to NHDES protocols. The Town of Seabrook Water Department, along with NHDES, will be working over the weekend to resample to determine if there was a problem with the testing process, or if additional measures need to be taken. Chief Operator George Eaton and Water Superintendent Curtis Clayton have responded, and are currently working with NHDES on this issue. At this time no boil order for Seabrook has been issued. In the event that a boil water notice is issued, or other measures become necessary, the public will be notified by reverse 911 or code red, through social media, and through the Town website. The Seabrook Water Department will continue working with NHDES to resolve this issue, and to keep the public informed.