ALERTS: All town departments and the transfer station will be CLOSED, Wednesday, January 1st, Wednesday's rubbish will be picked up on Tuesday, December 31st. 

Seabrook Town Hall Closed to the Public

The COVID-19 outbreak has created severe challenges to our ability to deliver services to the residents of Seabrook. While we are ready to meet this challenge head on it will require changes to our methods and protocols for the immediate future. In consultation with, and at the direction of, the Seabrook Board of Selectmen, Town Hall will be closed to the public beginning on Friday March 19, 2020. The employees of the Town of Seabrook will continue to work, and to serve the residents of Seabrook during this indefinite closure. This change is necessitated by the public health emergency that is bearing down on us now.

I have consulted with our Departments, and we believe that this inconvenience to the public can be mitigated by the utilization of our on-line tools. Since we will have staff on site and working we will be able to answer telephone inquiries and assist residents who may not be familiar with our on-line services. At the end of this memo I will list the phone numbers and web addresses of our departments, as well as the services available through our web portal. We have installed a drop box outside of Town Hall for non-cash payments, or the transmission of necessary documents. We have set up a web page that can be reached through our web site at This page will bring you to the Seabrook web site with additional information for our Town on COVID-19.

Emergency Services. The Police have implemented new protocols for public interaction. The Department is fully staffed, and you can reach the Police Department at 603-474-5200, or on the web at

Fire. Our Fire Department continues to respond to an escalating set of demands on our ambulance service. Our personnel is “suiting up” with PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) on calls responding to patients that are symptomatic. We are running short on PPE, a real problem for first responders everywhere. Chief Edwards has been working diligently to restock these critical supplies. Our Fire Department is fully staffed, and can be reached at 603-474-3311. The web site can be reached at

Our Recreation Department, while working, is closed to the public. While the initial announcement of a two-week closure corresponded to the initial school closure announcement the schools have just extended that time period. Our Recreation facility will follow suit, with a formal announcement next week. Last weekend the custodial staff did a deep clean of the facility, and we are examining the potential of a commercial cleaner being deployed during this period of closure. Meals on Wheels will continue to serve Seabrook residents during this period. Recreation can be reached at 603-474-5746, or on the web at

Tax Collector. We have had discussion with Tax Collector Michele Knowles and have held lien notices scheduled to go out this week. While more discussion will occur it is likely they will be mailed next week. You can access the online payment system at or get assistance by phone at 603-474-9881.

Town Clerk The Town Clerk has one of the busiest offices in the Town. I have discussed the office operation with Clerk Cheryl Bowen, and she feels that her office can properly service the public under a “closed to the public” protocol. That office handles car registrations, voter registrations, dog registrations, That office can be reached at 603-474-3152 and on the web at

Assessor Assessor Angela Silva will be available at 603-474-2966, and on the web at There are April 15 deadlines for elderly exemptions, veterans tax credits, and several other similar items. Those forms are available on the Assessing website detailed above.

DPW. The DPW has restricted public access to the office, and we will close the transfer station to the public, beginning tomorrow. For private haulers with current access to the transfer station such access will be by appointment only starting on Friday March 20. Mr. Starkey recommends, and I concur, a suspension of Town recycling until further notice. This is based on protection of Town employees from health threats. You can reach the Office for all DPW matters at 603-474-9771, for after hours emergencies at 603-474-5200, on the web at and by email at [email protected] or [email protected]

Inspectional. Residents may e-mail any questions or concerns they may have regarding permits, properties, and code to [email protected], Building Inspections will be limited unless absolutely necessary. If any businesses are waiting for health inspections, they will not be penalized.

The Seabrook Library has closed. The Library will be closed to the public from Monday, March 16th through Monday, April 6th. They will continue to monitor email and phone calls. If you have questions please contact the library at [email protected] or 603-474-2044 or at the web site. DUE DATES Don’t worry about your items you have out.

Welfare Office. The Town Welfare Office is available on the web at and at 603-474-8931. Welfare Officer Bonnie Armentrout is available by email at [email protected]
The Office of the Town Manager is available at 603-474-3252 or via email at [email protected]

SAU 21 Superintendent Lupine and I have spoken over the weekend. The schools have continued to provide lunch to eligible students through the school shutdown, now scheduled for three weeks. That very important effort has information available at
The standard website is available at

Our businesses have been terribly impacted, with the restaurant industry being devastated. The New Hampshire Employment Security Office can be reached at
We stand ready, at the local level, to offer any and all assistance that we are able to provide to our impacted businesses.