ALERTS: All town departments and the transfer station will be CLOSED, Wednesday, January 1st, Wednesday's rubbish will be picked up on Tuesday, December 31st. 

Construction & Demolition Permit Information

C&D Permits are now available at the Scale House Monday – Thursday

The Transfer station has made some changes regarding waste disposal. We can no longer mix construction and demolition material (C/D) on the tipping floor with normal household waste. It is now required by State regulation that it be separated from regular household waste. The following outlines the changes and suggested ways to control this process.

Definition of C/D – Allowable C/D materials includes sheetrock, insulation, vinyl siding, tiles, asphalt shingles, wood and any other material that a qualified Seabrook Transfer Station deems appropriate. Any asbestos product does not conform this definition and is strictly forbidden of at the Transfer Station.

Separation of C/D – The town has provided “open top “ roll off trailers for storage of these, C/D materials. All sheet rock insulation vinyl siding and tiles will be separated into a single area. The asphalt roofing shingles must be free of any foreign material such as wood or paper. The singles also have a separate area of dumping wood will go in a wood pile and must be clean, i.e. free of metal, contaminants or any other material an attendant deems inappropriate.

Permits – Any resident, person, firm or corporation must obtain a permit to dispose of C/D material. The permits can be obtained at the Seabrook Transfer Station Scale House. Applicants for permits under this section shall provide the Scale House with al information requested on the Transfer Station Temporary Permit Sheet.

Any resident, person, firm or corporation shall be entitled to obtain a permit for not more than one (1) day to use the dump for the sole purpose of removing such C/D material that comes from the property owner or legal resident of Seabrook. The person should apply at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to disposing of the material. This new permitting procedure will be in effect January 1, 1997.


Any resident, person, firm or corporation engaged or employed by any legal resident or property owner of the Town of Seabrook is subject to verification of the origin of the C/D material. If it found that the origin of the material is from outside the confines of the Town of Seabrook then that person, firm or corporation is subject to any and all penalties set forth by the Town of Seabrook.

Any person violating any of the provisions set forth in this by-law shall be subject to a warning for the first offense. Upon a second violation within a twelve (12) month period, loss of dump privileges for a period of time as set by the Town Manager or the Board of Selectmen.

COMMERICAL WEEKEND – Any resident, person, firm or corporation that are “large Haulers” of C/D material are not allowed to dispose of any materials on SATURDAY or SUNDAY.

If you have any questions please call the Solid Waste Foreman at 765-0330 or Transfer Station at 474-9765.

Department of Public Works Manager