State of NH official COVID-19 page
March 15, 2020
The Town of Seabrook continues to monitor and make decisions centered around the Coronavirus in an attempt to stop its spread. These decisions are being made based on guidance from state and federal health authorities, as well as local public health officials.
The staff of the Town of Seabrook have been advised to stay out of work if they feel ill, or ,may have had contact with a COVID-19 carrier.
The Recreation facility is closed as of Monday March 16, 2020 for two weeks. If you have any questions please call the facility at 603-474-5746. or check their web page at Seabrook Recreation.
The Seabrook Public Schools, including Winnacunnet High School, will be closed for two weeks starting on Monday March 16, 2022. Link to the Superintendents letter here.
The Board of Selectmen, and Boards and Commissions, will continue to meet. The Monday March 16, 2020 Board of Selectmen meeting is postponed until Thursday March 19, at 11;00 am. Residents should not plan to attend these meetings. If there is input or questions you would like to present to the Board of Selectmen please send those to [email protected] The meetings will be continued to be shown, live, on government access Channel 22, and live streamed on the internet.
Governor Sununu has activated NH211 for questions by the public. If you have a question on the Coronavirus please dial 2-1-1.
This situation is evolving fast, and changes to the above may occur. This page will list those changes as they occur.
NH Dept of Health and Human Services
State of NH Information Phone Line
NH Coronavirus Information line -Dial 211
SAU 21 School Closings
School Closing Letter (Parents 3.14.2020)