ALERTS: None at this time!

**New** E-mail Newsletters

We will publish our newsletter once a month, and announce it with an email in your box.


Each Newsletter collection will include:
-News & Announcements: updates on municipality departments, features and more
-Town Managers Corner: articles, tips, and tools community information
-Upcoming events: meetings, recreation events & celebrations
– and more!


Integrated Systems of Care Summit

event flyer


Integrated Systems of Care Friday, May 8, 2015 – 7:30 to noon Seabrook Recreation Department
311 Lafayette Road, Seabrook NH

Welcoming Greater Seacoast and Northern Massachusetts communities to discuss a solution oriented approach to prevention, treatment, and recovery of substance use disorders and mental health needs.

The Summit will feature a “world café” tour for
community resources and an expert panel. Save the date and we hope to see you there!


7:30 – 8:30 AM Legislative Breakfast
Keynote: Tym Rourke Director, Substance Use Disorders Grant making and Strategic Initiatives, NH Charitable Foundation

9:00 – Noon Regional Summit Keynote: Eric Vance Assistant Professor in Psychiatry, Virginia Tech Carilion School of Medicine


Sandi Coyle
[email protected]
(603) 373-9116

Vic Maloney
[email protected]
(603) 474-3332

Stephanie Wright
[email protected]

Annual Rabies Clinic

Seabrook School (in the garage near the cafeteria)

256 Walton rd Seabrook, NH 03874


Cost is $12

Printable version of this notice is here: Rabies Clinic 2015


Dr. Baker and his staff from Old Town Animal Hospital will be administering the rabies vaccines.


Please bring your most recent Vaccination certificate from your Vet.


Both Dogs and Cats are welcome from any town!


Staff from the Town Clerks office will be there to LICENSE your Dog with the town. Please bring the notice that was sent by the Town Clerk with you.



Take action: excessive snow on top of structures

920 Lafayette Road Seabrook NH. Heavy snow caused the roof to collapse Sunday Morning
Photo by Paula Wood

A note from our building inspector, Stefan Zalewski:

We have a very serious problem in town with snow.  We have had a tremendous amount of snow (by Seabrook standards) in a short amount of time.  The very cold temperatures have prevented little if any melt to occur.  The fierce winds that we have experienced have drifted snow onto the leeward areas of most roofs.  Roof valleys, areas where roof heights change, and parapets are particularly vulnerable to being filled with drifting snow.  It appears that the Northerly and Northeasterly winds associated with these storms are creating leeward areas on the south sides of roofs.  It will appear that a roof has little if any snow on it until you look at the opposite side.  It is deceiving.

The accumulation of snow in these leeward areas is causing some very critical situations.  The blowing snow is being packed into these areas, causing heavy, dense loading.  Many, many roofs are not going to tolerate this excessive loading.  These loads also put an unbalanced stress on roof systems.

My concern with roofs in Seabrook is that most roofs are standing as of today, but moving into slightly warmer weather, the snowfall will be denser.  Snow so far has been relatively light in mass.  The heavier wetter snows that will come will most likely “break the camel’s back”.  Clearing snow from roofs now will be relatively easy.  Later it will be harder.