ALERTS: None at this time!

Honoring Adeline Rita Caruso

The Seabrook Board of Selectmen honored Adeline Rita Caruso at the meeting of April 20, 2015. The Board recognized Adeline for a lifetime of achievement, and noted that she is the oldest Seabrook resident. Congrats to Adeline! We used the “Periscope” technology to send out a live feed of this presentation, which is posted below.

Seabrook Library Presentation: “The Creep of Surveillance”…

The Historical Society of Seabrook will proudly sponsor the NH Humanities Council program The Creep of Surveillance: From “Big Brother” to Mom and Dad on Thursday, April 16, 2015, at 6:30 pm at the Seabrook Library, 25 Liberty Lane, Seabrook, NH. The program is presented by David Mackey, Professor of Criminal Justice at Plymouth State University.

Technology has been used to monitor offenders, consumers, workers, students, and even children. This same technology has enabled law enforcement and other agents of social control to uncover a range of information and behavior that previously went undetected. This presentation explores the expanded use of technology for monitoring people’s compliance, performance, and even personal legitimacy. The legal, social, and ethical implications are also discussed.

The program is free and open to the public; light refreshments will be served. For more information, call the Seabrook Library at 474-2044.

Congrats to Captain Seth Coleman

Today we swore in Seth Coleman as a new Fire Captain in Seabrook. Congratulations to Seth. It was our second utilization of the new Periscope technology. That video is below.

Seth Coleman Sworn In!
Seth Coleman is Sworn in as Fire Captain

Our First “Periscope” With Chief Edwards

The Town of Seabrook this week utilized the brand new technology called “Periscope”, which is a live video feed sent out through the “Periscope” app, currently available only on IOS devices. While the technology is new and there are not a whole bunch of users just yet I can say that I see real potential for some positive utilization for Town government. The app will actually let you ask real time questions, which can be answered by the folks doing the video. I hope to be able to bring some interesting live feeds out with Periscope, and I hope that we are able to get a little bit of interaction with residents as well. For now we are taking the technology for a test drive. Our first effort was “Five Minutes With the Chief” with Fire Chief Bill Edwards. I have uploaded the video to You Tube, so that we are able to show what went out live over Periscope. If you have any ideas for what might be an interesting use of the technology please drop me a line.

Seabrook Collective Bargaining Agreements Signed

The voters of Seabrook passed four collective bargaining contracts this past election cycle. These agreements were negotiated over the course of the past year, with a clear mandate from the Board of Selectmen that health care cost sharing be a part of any new agreements. These agreements accomplished that very important goal for all four unions. It is important to note that the Board themselves actively participated in these negotiating sessions, and we managed to do one years worth of negotiating without having the expense of legal counsel. Congratulations to everyone involved, including our partners in organized labor representing the men and women who work so hard for our community. The Board signed all four contracts last Friday, which is pictured below.

CBA Signing

Congrats to All of Our Newly Elected Officials

Just a note of congratulations to all of those newly elected last Tuesday. It is gratifying to see so many good people willing to offer their service to the residents of Seabrook. I look forward to working with all!



Roof Work Begins

The roof clearing has begun this morning at the Community Center. Work will also commence at the Seabrook Library today.

Contractors clear the Recreation Building Roof
Contractors clear the Recreation Building Roof

Anthem Information on Data Breach

Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield has issued the below information on security after the reported data breach from a cyber attack against Anthem information technology systems.

Anthem Alerts Consumers to Protect Themselves from Scams
MANCHESTER, NH — New Hampshire residents who may have been impacted by the cyber attack against Anthem should be aware of scam email campaigns targeting current and former Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield members. These scams, designed to capture personal information (known as “phishing”) are designed to appear as if they are from Anthem and the emails include a “click here” link for credit monitoring. These emails are NOT from Anthem.

• DO NOT click on any links in email.
• DO NOT reply to the email or reach out to the senders in any way.
• DO NOT supply any information on the website that may open, if you If you have clicked on a link in email.
• DO NOT open any attachments that arrive with email.

Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield in New Hampshire is not calling members regarding the cyber attack and is not asking for credit card information or social security numbers over the phone.
This outreach is from scam artists who are trying to trick consumers into sharing personal data. There is no indication that the scam email campaigns are being conducted by those that committed the cyber attack, or that the information accessed in the attack is being used by the scammers.

Anthem will contact current and former members via mail delivered by the U.S. Postal Service about the cyber attack with specific information on how to enroll in credit monitoring. Affected members will receive free credit monitoring and ID protection services.

Additional information about the cyber attack against Anthem is available at
For more guidance on recognizing scam email, please visit the FTC Website:

About Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield in New Hampshire
Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield is the trade name of Anthem Health Plans of New Hampshire, Inc., an independent licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association. ®ANTHEM is a registered trademark of Anthem Insurance Companies, Inc. The Blue Cross and Blue Shield names and symbols are registered marks of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association. Additional information about Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield in New Hampshire is available at Also, follow us on Twitter at, on Facebook at, or visit our YouTube channel at

Fire Department Presentation on Platform/Ladder Truck

The Seabrook Fire Department has made a presentation on the need for a Platform Truck, which is Article #29 on this years ballot. It is an excellent presentation by the Firefighters, bringing some technical details that are vitally important to the discussion. This presentation is currently running on Channel 22.

Welcome to Our New Web Site

Welcome to the Town of Seabrook’s new web site, which is a part of the changes implemented last year when the Board of Selectmen initiated changes to our Government Access Channel 22. We hope that the new site will enable us to bring information to the public in a clearer fashion, and ultimately integrate some of the Channel 22 functions onto our website. We already live stream our Board meetings onto the Web, and we hope that the new site will complement that presence. Please let us know what your thoughts on the new site are. Look forward to hearing from all of you.