ALERTS: All town departments will be CLOSED, Monday, February 17th. Monday's Rubbish will be picked up on Tuesday, February 18th. 

Seabrook Police Report Swimmers Pulled From Ocean


Sunday, August 19, 2018

Seabrook Police Department

Swimmers Pulled From Ocean at Seabrook Beach

At approximately 12:25 PM on Sunday August 19, 2018 the Seabrook Police Department responded to the area of 131 Ocean Drive for a report of multiple swimmers struggling in the water off Seabrook Beach. The Seabrook Fire Department responded and the Hampton Fire Department and Hampton Beach lifeguards responded with a rescue boat and jet skis.

Seabrook Officers John Giarrusso and Zach Bunszell were the first on scene. Officer Giarrusso shed his duty gear and entered the water assisting several of the parties to shore before returning to the water on a surfboard to search for the last party unaccounted for. Sergeant Dave Buccheri, K9 Officer Dave Hersey, Acting Chief of Police Brett Walker, and Lieutenant Jason Allen arrived shortly thereafter.

A female party pulled from the water was transported to the Seabrook Emergency Room.

The last male party was pulled from the water at 12:59 PM by a Hampton Beach lifeguard and transported to Anna Jaques Hospital.

A total of seven parties were pulled from the water including the six original swimmers in distress and one good Samaritan who aided in the rescues.

Seabrook Acting Chief of Police Brett Walker stated, “The quick and selfless actions of the police officers, firefighters, and lifeguards was essential in removing all parties from the rough waters today. The interagency teamwork was exemplary given the circumstances. Our officers on scene, along with the Seabrook and Hampton Fire Departments and lifeguards, quickly and efficiently coordinated both a targeted search and rescue area for those in the water as well as land-based evacuation for those requiring transport.”

CodeRed alerts as well as posts on the Seabrook Police Department Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram accounts advised of the dangerous currents and to avoid swimming off of Seabrook Beach following the incident.

The names of those involved are not being released at this time and the conditions of those transported is not available. Anyone with information regarding this accident is asked to contact Officer Zach Bunszell at 603-474-5200. This incident remains under investigation.