ALERTS: None at this time!

Halloween at Seabrook Recreation

What a great Halloween event Friday evening, hosted by the Seabrook Recreation Department and the Seabrook Adventure Zone. Very big thanks to Recreation Director Katie Duffey and Forrest Carter Jr and all the staff for their hard work! A very great, and scary, haunted house, and lots of other fun for many, many kids. Promoting after school activities for our children has to be one of the most important things we do, and we are grateful for the work at our Recreation Department, and through the Seabrook Adventure Zone.

New Scoreboard at Seabrook Recreation

The Seabrook Board of Selectmen joined Recreation Director Katie Duffey and the Seabrook Firefighters union, and Fire Chief Bill Edwards, as the new scoreboard and scorers table at the Recreation Center was unveiled. The Seabrook professional firefighters contributed 50% of the cost of the purchase, and I join the Board in thanking them for their generosity. Great job by Director Katie Duffey and the Recreation staff as well.

Recreation Anti-Bullying Program for Tonight is Postponed.

The Seabrook Recreation Department anti-bullying program with John Halligan, scheduled (for parents) for Tuesday May 8 at 6:30 at the Recreation Center, has been postponed.

Recreation Director Katie Duffey on Chris Herren Event

Chris Herren comes to Seabrook today, talking to our students at noon, and to the community tonight. Seabrook Recreation Director Katie Duffey agreed to do a Periscope to discuss the event, and tell us how to get tickets. Thanks to Katie for bringing in a great event, and for coming in to do the video.

Chris Herren Comes to Seabrook

I am looking forward to a visit to Seabrook by Chris Herren, speaking to our kids about drug addiction, and giving them lessons drawn from his very significant life story. He is an inspirational speaker, and I am looking forward to hearing this exciting presentation. The event will be at the Seabrook Recreation Community Center on Thursday October 27, 2016 at 6:00 p.m.

Register for event at Seabrook Recreation Center.

The media coverage of the Chris Herren visit.



Congratulations George Penniman, Volunteer of the Year

The Seabrook Board of Selectmen recognized resident George Penniman for his strong support of the Seabrook Recreation Department and its programs by awarding him the Volunteer of the Year citation. The Board thanked George for his coaching time, as well as his financial support for the Programs. Congratulations and a big thank you to George for all that he does for our kids.


The media coverage of the Volunteer of the Year award.

Coffee With a Cop in Seabrook

On Friday April 22, 2016 the Seabrook Recreation Department hosted a “Coffee with a Cop,” which featured Police Chief Michael Gallagher. It was a great chance for the Chief to interact with our residents, answer questions, and take note of issues needing attention. Thanks to the Board of Selectmen, recreation Director Katie Duffey, and Police Chief Michael Gallagher for participating in a great program.

Coffee Cop

Seabrook Recreation Activates Online Registration

The Seabrook Recreation Department has activated online registration, which will allow for program registration, membership sign up, and direct program sign ups, with the ability to make payments, right from the comfort of your home. Check out the web site at I had the pleasure of going down to the Recreation Department and using the system as it opened for business on April 6. Let us know what you think. Thank you to Recreation Director Katie Duffey, IT Director Brian Murphy, and Treasurer Oliver Carter for all of their hard work to bring this system to Seabrook.

Opening the Recreation Web Site that allows online registration and payment.
Opening the Recreation Web Site that allows online registration and payment.

The story on the Seabrook Recreation Department bringing online registration to our programs.

Seabrook Recreation Department Volunteer Policy

The Seabrook Board of Selectmen have adopted a policy governing how our Recreation Department will conduct background checks for those volunteering at the Recreation Department. This policy was written using national recreational best practices by Director Katie Duffey. It is important to have written policies that are clearly understandable and fairly administered. If you have any questions or concerns on this policy please contact the Office of the Town Manager, or our Recreation Director Katie Duffey.

Background Check policy 2016 Adopted