ALERTS: None at this time!

Seabrook Holds Successful Employee Benefits Fair

Seabrook held a very successful Employee Benefits Fair, which brought many vendors to our Community Center for discussion and assistance for our employees last week. It is the first Employee Benefits Fair held here in many years, and we look forward to doing them annually. The Fair was put together by Lara Wolfendon and Tia Knowles, whose hard work made it a great success. Thank you to all the vendors who invested the time to make the Fair a great value for our employees.


Seabrook Procures a New Recycling Truck

The Town of Seabrook purchased a new recycling truck, which is now in service collecting our recyclables curbside. The truck was procured after a long process of laying out specifications, and careful management of the the truck build out after bid award. John Starkey, and his staff, worked hard on putting together the process, and overseeing the truck build to ensure we got the best value for Seabrook taxpayers. The recycling truck was financed with dollars from our recycling program, with no impact to our taxpayers. Thank you to John Starkey and the staff for all of the hard work.


Seabrook Fire Department Procures New Ambulance

The brand new ambulance procured by the Seabrook Fire Department has arrived, and is now “on the street.” This ambulance is financed with revenues from the ambulance service, with no impact to our tax rate. The Seabrook Fire Department, with a highly trained group of EMT’s and medics, provides first rate ambulance service to the people of Seabrook. Congratulations to Chief Edwards and Deputy Perkins.


Seabrook Christmas Tree Lighting 2016

The Seabrook Christmas Tree Lighting occurred Saturday night, and the Board of Selectmen would like to thank the Seabrook Lions Club, Trinity Church, and our man Stan, who worked very hard to make sure the event was a success, and that the lights went on after we threw the switch. Thanks to the Seabrook Fire Department and the Seabrook Police Department for all of their assistance.





Seabrook Tree Lighting 2016

The Seabrook Lions Club will host the annual Christmas Tree Lighting at Seabrook Town Hall today, Saturday November 26, 2016, at 5:45. Santa Claus will be on hand for this great family event, with plenty of excitement for the kids, and grown ups too. Hope to see you all there.

Congratulations to Fire Captain Harold Tuggy Hewlett

The Seabrook Board of Selectmen presented retiring Fire Captain Harold Hewlett a citation recognizing and honoring his service to the Town of Seabrook in a career that spanned thirty plus years. Congratulations and best wishes to Tuggy as he begins his retirement, and thank you for his outstanding service to our residents.




Recreation Director Katie Duffey on Chris Herren Event

Chris Herren comes to Seabrook today, talking to our students at noon, and to the community tonight. Seabrook Recreation Director Katie Duffey agreed to do a Periscope to discuss the event, and tell us how to get tickets. Thanks to Katie for bringing in a great event, and for coming in to do the video.

Chris Herren Comes to Seabrook

I am looking forward to a visit to Seabrook by Chris Herren, speaking to our kids about drug addiction, and giving them lessons drawn from his very significant life story. He is an inspirational speaker, and I am looking forward to hearing this exciting presentation. The event will be at the Seabrook Recreation Community Center on Thursday October 27, 2016 at 6:00 p.m.

Register for event at Seabrook Recreation Center.

The media coverage of the Chris Herren visit.



Merrimack Valley Credit Union Comes to Seabrook

The Seabrook Board of Selectmen welcomed the Merrimack Valley Federal Credit Union to Seabrook with a ribbon cutting that displayed the great new facility that was recently completed. Congratulations and thank you for the investment to CEO Peter Matthews and his team, and we look forward to a long and successful presence in Seabrook.



IHOP Ribbon Cutting

It was a pleasure to join the Chamber of Commerce and the Board of Selectmen at the ribbon cutting for the new IHOP that has opened in Seabrook. Thanks to the Chamber for a great event, and thank you to IHOP for making the investment in Seabrook.

IHOP Ribbon Cutting