ALERTS: None at this time!

Notice of Settlement Between Town and Seabrook IAFF Local 2847

Click HERE for the notice between the Town and Seabrook Firefighters IAFF Local 2847 Unfair Labor Practice

NH Primary Election, September 10th

The NH State Primary Election will be held September 10th from 7:30AM-7:30PM at the Community Center, 311 Lafayette Road. There are currently no party changes allowed until after the election. The last day to register to vote is Wednesday, August 28th by 5PM, unless you need to vote absentee. You can also register to vote at the polls on election day.

Beach and Walkway Survey

This survey seeks your input on various aspects of Seabrook Beach, including how and when it’s used, the condition and accessibility of the dune walkways and the preservation of the sand dunes. Your responses will play a crucial role in our efforts to evaluate the town’s existing dune walkways for opportunities to enhance safety and accessibility while protecting the sand dune ecosystem.

The survey should take about 10-15 minutes to complete, and all responses are anonymous. Your feedback is essential in helping us understand how the beach and dune walkways are currently used and in identifying areas for improvement.

We encourage you to share this survey with your friends, family, and neighbors. The more responses we receive, the better we can understand the needs and desires of the community.

Click HERE to take the survey.

Thank you for your time and participation in this important initiative for Seabrook. To stay up to date on project efforts and for more information, please visit:

SAU21 Withdrawal Committee Information

The SAU21 Withdrawal Committee has created a website with useful information on the process for the study, when and where their meetings will be held and minutes from previous meetings;

Please click the link below to be redirected to the SAU21 Withdrawal Committee Website;
The committee is asking for input from the public, please take the survey from the homepage of the website, or by click the link below;


If you’d like to provide your input in person, please join the meeting on Thursday July 11th at 5:00PM at the Seabrook Town Hall.

Double Rubbish Pick Ups at the Beach Will Start June 27th

On June 27th the DPW will start double rubbish runs weekly for the summer season. Rubbish will be picked up on Monday’s and Thursday’s, recycables will ONLY be picked up on Mondays.

Looking for Public Outreach for the Natural Hazard Mitigation Plan

The Town of Seabrook is updating the Natural Hazard Mitigation Plan. FEMA requires every municipality in the country to develop and maintain a Natural Hazard Mitigation Plan to identify and evaluate the risks posed by natural hazards such as coastal storms, extreme temperatures, and flooding. Residents are welcome to share information on where and how natural hazards impact Seabrook via email, ([email protected]). The 2018 Hazard Mitigation Plan is available on the Town website for review (

Election Results from the Annual Town Election

Click HERE for the Town and Seabook School voting results.

Town Wide Revaluation 2024

Please be aware that Vision Government Solutions, hired by the Town of Seabrook will be working in Seabrook neighborhoods collecting data, sales verifications, and inspecting properties for revaluation purposes until July 2024. If you have any questions please call the assessing office at 603-474-2966 or the town managers office at 603-474-3252

Seabrook Resiliency Grant Information

Seabrook Wastewater Facility
Resiliency Opportunities

Town of Seabrook Wastewater Treatment Facility Climate Resilience Designs

Seabrook’s Wastewater Treatment Facility (WWTF), supporting roadway, and pump stations are vulnerable to climate impacts such as sea level rise and coastal storm surge. Located on Wright’s Island, the aging WWTF collects and treats residential, commercial, and industrial wastewater from most of the town. Any disruptions to WWTF operation due to flooding from sea-level rise and storm surge could result in significant public health risks, disrupt business activities, and potentially pollute groundwater and our oceanfront areas.  The Town is proactively planning and preparing the facility for flooding now, before it causes damage or disruption.


The project is currently finalizing designs for the resilience upgrades and plans to start implementation in 2024 to protect the WWTF and treatment functions from future storm surges, sea level rise, or flooding. Thanks to funding from ARPA and a state of New Hampshire Grant Program, the Town can implement adaptation strategies for the facility right away

Watch this video to learn more, and share your thoughts at the online survey form  The Town wants to hear your thoughts, concerns, and questions regarding climate impacts and this project.

Analysis Project

Town of Seabrook Wastewater Treatment Facility Climate Resilience Assessment

In order to inform long-term planning and ensure public health and safety, the WWTF Climate Resilience Assessment project will help the Town:

-Better understand specific climate impacts to the WWTF
-Identify potential adaptation options for improving the resilience of the WWTF
-Inform the public of project results

Preparing for the long-term impacts of climate change will be critical for the future of our community. Through the Wastewater Treatment Facility (WWTF) resiliency planning process, we want to ensure you are informed about the decisions the Town is making to safeguard this critical community asset. The Town has released a video and online survey form ( to hear your thoughts, concerns, and questions regarding the project.

This project was funded, in part, by NOAA’s Office for Coastal Management under the Coastal Zone Management Act in conjunction with the New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services Coastal Program. The Town has contracted Weston & Sampson, an interdisciplinary design and engineering consultancy, to support this project.

Follow the Town’s website and Facebook platforms (@townofseabrooknh and @seabrookwwtf) for updates on this project. Contact the Seabrook Sewer Department at [email protected] or 603-474-8012 for questions regarding this project.

Primary Presidential Election Results

Here are the election results for the Primary Presidential Election;

Click HERE for the Republican Results.

Click HERE for the Democratic Results.