ALERTS: None at this time!

2021 Capital Improvement Plan and an 8 Year History

The Seabrook Planning Board has approved the 2021 CIP, which is attached below, also attached is an 8 year history of capital planning for the Town of Seabrook.

Seabrook CIP Spending Eight Year Review 2020
2021-2026 CIP

AARP Tax Filing At The Seabrook Library

The AARP will be doing taxes again this year at the Seabrook Library. Appointments will be required, and are available on Wednesday mornings starting February 10th. To make an appointment you may:
Call: 474-2044
Email: [email protected]
Or come into the library.

Massachusetts Nonresident Booklets are here and are available in the lobby.


2021 Town Warrant

The Seabrook Board of Selectmen have finalized the 2021 Town Warrant, which is now posted. The Town Deliberative Session will be on February 2nd at 7:00 p.m. at the Seabrook Community Center. The Town election will be on March 9th.

Please click the link below for the 2021 Town Warrant;

2021 Town Warrant

Deliberative Session, February 2nd, 7:00PM

The Deliberative Session will be held, February 2nd, 7:00PM at the Seabrook Community Center. This event will be live and televised.

Registration and Distribution of Covid-19 Vaccines in NH

The New Hampshire Division of Public Health Services (DPHS) continues to distribute vaccine under the Phase 1a vaccine allocation guidelines. However, starting on January 26th, vaccination for Phase 1b eligible vaccine recipients will begin at various locations. Phase 1b vaccine allocation guidelines can be found here:

Phase 1b includes:

  • Persons who are 65 years of age or older
  • Persons who are under 65 years old with defined medical conditions that put them at significantly higher risk for severe COVID-19 illness and death
  • Residents and staff of residential facilities for persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities
  • Corrections officers and staff working in correctional facilities
  • First responders and health workers not already vaccinated

Registration for NH residents in Phase 1b will begin on January 22 at 8:00am. The registration and scheduling process for vaccination will vary depending on the person’s prioritization criteria and location of vaccination clinic. Eligible individuals should register to be vaccinated at a fixed site by visiting or those without internet access should call 2-1-1 for assistance. It is important to note that persons under 65 years of age who are prioritized due to medical conditions need to register through their healthcare provider to confirm eligibility and facilitate vaccination.

Christmas Tree Pick Up

The DPW will pick up Christmas Trees all of January and February. Please place your Christmas Trees on the curbside where your rubbish would go. If you notice your tree hasn’t been picked up please call the DPW at 474-9771.

Street Plowing Request Notice

In order to facilitate effective street plowing the Town is requesting that residents please move anything that might obstruct a plow truck, such as vehicles, basketball hoops or anything owned by a resident that could impede a plow, thank you.

Seabrook Library Update

Library Service Update

Hours:  Monday through Friday 9:00 am to 5:00 pm

The Library is open for:

Brief Browsing Visits

Computer Use – ½ hour appointments

Study Rooms and Carrel use – 1 hour by appointment

Photocopier and Fax Service

Wifi always available in the parking lot

Curbside Service – you can place holds by calling, emailing, or online through the catalog.

All returns must be made through the outside book return

Masks and the use of hand sanitizersare required along with adhering to social distancing guidelines.

Digital Resources are available with your library card.

Transfer Station CLOSED until further notice starting 12/14, Recycing Suspened

Due to COVID recycling pickup is suspended until further notice, effective immediately. The Transfer Station shall be closed to the public, effective Monday December 14, 2020 until further notice. The Transfer Station will be closed on weekends starting Saturday December 12, 2020 until further notice. Trash haulers servicing Seabrook Mobile Parks shall be exempt from this closure.

DPW Office Closed Until Further

The DPW office is closed until further notice. Please call the DPW office for any questions or requests at 603-474-9771 or through the web site at