ALERTS: None at this time!

Emily Sanborn Recognized by Selectmen

Emily Sanborn, who has worked for the Town of Seabrook for twenty five years, has retired. The Board of Selectmen recognized her many years of outstanding service to the community with a citation at the February meeting. There was a huge outpouring of affection and support from her co-workers and family. Congrats to Emily, and thank you for a great 25 years of service to the citizens of Seabrook!

Portsmouth Regional Hospital Donates AED Units to Seabrook Police

The Seabrook Board of Selectmen were on hand at the Seabrook Emergency Room to accept a donation from Portsmouth Hospital, who donated 8 “AED” units to the Seabrook Police Department. An automated external defibrillator (AED) is a portable device that checks the heart rhythm and can send an electric shock to the heart to try to restore a normal rhythm. AEDs are used to treat sudden cardiac arrest (SCA). SCA is a condition in which the heart suddenly and unexpectedly stops beating.

The Seabrook Police Department has AEDs in each of its marked patrol vehicles. While the Seabrook Fire Department is the primary department responsible for responding to medical aid calls, Seabrook Police officers can sometimes be closer to serious medical aid requests when they are out patrolling our streets. Over the years, Seabrook Police officers have deployed the AEDs they carry several times and have had at least one documented save using the AED in 2010.

Seabrook Police Department’s current AEDs were donated in the early 2000’s by Exeter Hospital. Needless to say, the current AEDs are 15+ years old and (for various reasons) are in need of replacement. The Seabrook Police Department has a good working relationship with the Seabrook Emergency Room and turned to them for assistance. The Seabrook Emergency Room administration jumped at the opportunity to outfit the Seabrook Police with eight (8) new Philips AED’s for each of our marked patrol vehicles.

The Board of Selectmen thank Portsmouth Hospital for this generous donation, and recognize the great work by Police Chief Gallagher, and Police Lieutenant Kevin Gelineau in working with Portsmouth Regional Hospital to facilitate this donation.

The Seabrook Warrant is Posted

The 2018 Seabrook Town Warrant is posted. It is on the Warrant Page, and posted here. I have also included an analysis of the capital requests on the warrant broken out by department, with a look beneath the top line numbers.


Warrant Data 2018

Trash Pickup Will Be on Regular Schedule Today Thursday January 4, 2018

The Seabrook DPW will be on regular trash pickup schedule for today, Thursday January 4, 2018.

Town Offices Closed Thursday January 4, 2018 Due to Winter Storm

Due to the severe winter storm Seabrook Town Hall will be closed today Thursday January 4, 2018.

Board of Selectmen Recognize Michelle Knowles

The Seabrook Board of Selectmen honored Deputy Tax Collector Michelle Knowles, who recently achieved her certification as a Deputy Tax Collector. The Board presented Michelle with a citation, and were told that current Tax Collector Lillian Knowles was also a recipient of that certification, taking part in the very first class to offer that cert. Congrats to Michelle!

Seabrook Welcomes Cardi’s Furniture

The Seabrook Board of Selectmen were on hand to cut the ribbon at the grand opening of the Cardi’s Furniture store on Route 1. Select Chair Theresa Kyle welcomed Cardi’s to Seabrook, thanking them for the investment and the jobs created. It is a truly amazing furniture showroom, and Cardi brothers were on hand to open this beautiful new facility as well. Welcome to Seabrook!

Seabrook Police Holiday Food Drive Huge Success

The Seabrook Police Department had their annual food drive before Christmas, and it was a huge success. They collected more food than last year, which will be used to help families in need. Thanks to all those who helped to fill up that trailer with food for families that need assistance this holiday season, and thanks to our Police Officers who worked so hard to put it together. Thank you to Market Basket for all of their help as well.

Santa Tours Seabrook

Thanks to Chief Edwards and the Seabrook Fire Department, who carted Santa on an extensive tour of Seabrook that delighted families throughout the Town. Thanks to Police Deputy Brett Walker, who provided the escort for Santa. And thank you to Santa for taking the time from his busy schedule. Great fun!

Rand Church Christmas Carole Event

The Rand Church will be Christmas caroling Saturday December 16 beginning at 4:00 p.m. at the Rand Church at 134 South Main Street, and proceeding to many spots in Seabrook. All are invited to attend.