ALERTS: All town departments will be CLOSED, Monday, February 17th. Monday's Rubbish will be picked up on Tuesday, February 18th. 

Thank You to Crimeline for the Hamptons and Kiki Evans

On behalf of the Board of Selectmen a very big thank you to Kiki Evans of Crimeline For the Hamptons, who brought a very generous donation of $1400 that will be used to procure a breaching kit for the Seabrook Police Department. Crimeline for the Hamptons is an active partner with local law enforcement agencies, and we deeply appreciate this donation, and their continuing efforts to be a positive and pro-active force for good with our public safety agencies. Thanks to Chief Michael Gallagher for all of his efforts as well. The Board of Selectmen accepted this donation at the April 4, 2016 meeting.


Crimeline Donation to Seabrook Police

Congratulations to Deputy Walker and Sergeant Gelineau

Congratulations to newly sworn in Deputy Police Chief Bret Walker and Sergeant Kevin Gelineau. The Town of Seabrook swore them in to their new positions with the Seabrook Board of Selectmen on hand to offer their support. Thank you to Chief Gallagher and the Board of Selectmen for making this a special event for the individuals, and for our Police Department.


Congratulations to Newly Elected Officials

The Seabrook swearing in of elected officials took place last Friday. Congratulations to everyone who offered their services to the Town of Seabrook, and congratulations and best wishes to the office holders, new and old.


Thank You Mr. Raymond Smith

On March 7, 2016 Selectman Raymond Smith attended the last meeting of his term. Mr. Smith served three years with distinction, always putting the residents of Seabrook first. It was a pleasure to work with him. On behalf of the Board of Selectmen we wish him the very best for the future, and look forward to visiting him at his “office” beach side.


Notice of Leak Detection Work in Field

Superintendent Curtis Slayton of our Water Department has asked that the public be made aware that a contractor working for the State of New Hampshire will be out and about in Seabrook doing leak detection work during the month of March. They will be out all hours of the day and night, including weekends. They will be in marked trucks and will have safety vests and yellow lights. They will be attaching equipment to fire hydrants about the size of a soda can, silver in color. They may wrap the hydrant in orange cloth to hide the equipment as it is only held on by magnets. The contractor is Arthur Pyburn & Sons, Inc.

Fire Chief Edwards on Warrant Articles 32-33-34- Town Elections 2016

Thanks to Fire Chief William Edwards, who did a live “Periscope” this past Friday to talk about the Warrant Articles 32-33,and 34. He gave us quite a bit of information on the articles as he seeks Town support for them. Please go out to vote in the Town elections on Tuesday March 8. The polls will be open 7:00 am to 7:00 p.m.

Seabrook Recreation Department Volunteer Policy

The Seabrook Board of Selectmen have adopted a policy governing how our Recreation Department will conduct background checks for those volunteering at the Recreation Department. This policy was written using national recreational best practices by Director Katie Duffey. It is important to have written policies that are clearly understandable and fairly administered. If you have any questions or concerns on this policy please contact the Office of the Town Manager, or our Recreation Director Katie Duffey.

Background Check policy 2016 Adopted

Deliberative Session Tonight- Live Telecast

Tonight, Tuesday February 2, starting at 7:00 p.m. at the Seabrook Community Center, the Town will have the 2016 Deliberative Session. For the very first time we will be attempting to broadcast this event live. This will be our first remote broadcast, and we are working to ensure that the technology works. A very big thank you to Brian Murphy, our I.T. guru, who is working diligently to integrate this technology with our existing Channel 22 infrastructure. Hope to see you there tonight.

Seabrook Public Auction

The Town of Seabrook has started to use the services provided by Public Surplus, a web portal where we can “auction” off equipment that has been declared surplus in order to maximize the return of value to our taxpayers. This is an initiative of our Chief Procurement Officer Shaylia Marquis, and I have provided the link to our first auction below. Please check back with us periodically, as we will continue to auction surplus equipment that may have residual value.

We have updated our purchasing policies to reflect both transparency and accountability, with Departments submitting requests to surplus equipment to our Procurement Office, who then prepares the necessary request to the Seabrook Board of Selectmen with all of the required asset detail. Final determination on suitability of the request lies with the Board of Selectmen, who enacted the new policy within the past 15 months. Thanks to the Board of Selectmen and our Procurement Office for this outstanding work.

Link to the auction site here.

DOT Public Outreach Meeting- NH Rest Areas & Welcome Centers

The New Hampshire Department of Transportation (DOT) and the Department of Resources and Economic Development (DRED) will host a public outreach meeting on January 5 from 4-6 pm, at the Seabrook Library, 25 Liberty Lane, Seabrook, to hear public comment about New Hampshire’s Rest Areas/Welcome and Information Centers. There are two such rest areas in this region – in Seabrook on the northbound side of I-95 just north of the Mass border, and in Salem similarly located on I-93 just north of the border.

The sessions are part of a detailed study on New Hampshire’s 16 state-owned Rest Areas/Welcome and Information Centers. (See attached map.) The study will assess traveler uses and needs, identify needed improvements, and help inform future planning for the Welcome and Information Center system. The goal of the meeting is to solicit feedback on how these centers affect the local and regional communities.

Your participation is important to this effort and will help ensure that the study result reflects the interests and needs of this region. Please pass along this invitation to others who may have insight on how communities interact with these facilities.

Please go to for more information about the study and to see a map showing the location of all 16 rest areas.

For more information about the study and about the meeting on January 5th please contact:

Carol Morris
Study Public Outreach
Morris Communications
[email protected]